
Is a tiny home the perfect home?

The answer will vary from person to person, but there are a few things to consider if you’re wondering whether a tiny home is the perfect home for you.

Perhaps you sold the large family home now that the kids are gone and you are seeking a simpler lifestyle and an alternative to strata fees and noisy condo buildings.

Maybe you’re having a difficult time entering the real estate market and so you decided to explore RV living for a while. 

Maybe you’re becoming more and more aware that you are living in far more space than you require, wondering every week while cleaning multiple rooms why you’re still doing all this. 

Maybe you’ve just seen pictures of these little slices of heaven and you want to know a little more about this world.

If any of the above scenarios sounds familiar, or if you’re just looking to downsize and declutter, then you might just be a tiny home person!

The path to living small can be, ironically, overwhelming. We live in a society where “stuff” = safety. Our homes contain a lifetime of treasured possessions and memories, while representing stability and permanence. The idea of getting rid of all our stuff, and then putting it on all wheels…it can be alarming!

On the other hand, consider the pain and inconvenience of moving house, and the bewilderment you experience when packing and unpacking all of the STUFF! Where did that stuff even come from? (We’re looking at you, unused small kitchen appliances and box of unidentifiable cables.)

Now, we’re not saying tiny living means you need to part with all your cool stuff. We know someone who would sooner live in a hole in the ground than part with a single one of their thousands of books. We get it, and we have designed our homes with you in mind. Just imagine, opening a cupboard or closet and finding *exactly* what you’re looking for, just sitting there, out in the open, not hidden by 4 extra black t-shirts that don’t really fit, or buried in the dreaded drawer of mystery kitchen utensils. Imagine moving, and simply hitching your whole house to your truck! No packing or unpacking required!

In addition to simple living, tiny homes offer an alternative to what is becoming a difficult and unaffordable real estate market. For many, especially young people and families getting into the market for the first time, the cost is beyond what they want or can spend. The cost of entry into a tiny home, however, is much much lower. The homes are typically built new and customized to the buyer’s specifications, they utilize smart and efficient design, and can offer a healthy and positive lifestyle.

For the experienced RV traveller, a tiny home might be the perfect option if you’re looking for something a little more established and designed to your taste. If you’ve tried RV living or done that first trailer conversion, you’ve felt the liberty that comes from only having what you really need and what you actually use. You know the satisfaction of being able to do an entire house cleaning in the time it would have taken you to do one room in a full-sized home. And maybe you have also enjoyed the freedom that comes from having a monthly budget with more room for play.

Or perhaps, you’re just ready for something different without having to sacrifice the comforts, even the luxuries, of home. Small living does not necessarily mean rough living. Everything you enjoy now, or aspire to enjoy is within reach – it just might be wrapped up in a different kind of package.

This could be how you have it all. A modest amount of space, a large amount of freedom and all the luxury we can pack into one tiny home.


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